KiP collaborate with a number of local community and not-for-profit organisations who provide benevolent relief to disadvantaged young people and their families. KiP’s volunteering opportunities give children and families the ability to directly make a difference by working alongside these organisations.

Anonymous X
Anonymous X are a registered charitable organisation based out of Port Melbourne. They provide assistance for people experiencing homelessness in and around Melbourne, in addition to supporting those less fortunate via clothing, sanitary and essential items.
KiP has been working with Anonymous X since 2019. KiPsters pack toiletries, make scarves, pack food kits and other and other essential goods that are distributed directly by Anonymous X to people experiencing homelessness.

Belgium Avenue and Collingwood Neighbourhood Houses (BANH Inc) is a community organisation which operates on the Collingwood and North Richmond Public Housing Estates. The houses are a friendly meeting place for the local community and offer regular activities like community choirs and lunches.
KiP has been working with BANH since 2019. KiPsters provide support by cooking meals for BANH’s clients to help alleviate food insecurity.

Christmas on the Streets
Christmas on the Streets (COTS) is a not-for-profit organisation supporting people experiencing homelessness. COTS offers companionship, food, clothing, sanitary products, gifts and essential items to individuals and communities that are in need.
KiP has worked with COTs since 2017 providing care kits, homemade scarves and food relief to their outreach program.

Concern Australia
Concern Australia works with vulnerable young people and children, aged 5-21, creating opportunities for them to enjoy full and meaningful lives.
KiP has worked with Concern Australia since 2018 providing food relief for both their outreach and housing programs.

Creative Art Therapy Australia
CATA believe creative processes can shift thinking to positive and healthy mindsets. They work with children, adolescents, families and communities braving physical, psychological and emotional trauma.
KiP has been providing keen helpers since 2017 to assist all aspects of CATA, from painting sculptures to sorting out storage.

Eat Up Australia
Eat Up makes and deliver thousands of lunches a month to schools around Australia to students who would otherwise go without lunch.
Sandwich making sessions with Eat Up are one of the favourite events in the KiP calendar – helping to provide food relief by filling empty lunchboxes.

Father Bob Maguire Foundation
The Father Bob Maguire Foundation is a Melbourne based registered charity providing food relief, social inclusion, educational support and a range of associated services so that no one is left behind.
Since 2017, KiP has collaborated with Father Bobs with our KiPsters providing food relief through our Made with Love cooking and baking sessions.

Flying Fox
Flying Fox is a youth led organisation provide social opportunities for young people living with a disability.
Since 2017, our KiPsters have been learning what it is like to live with a disability and ways to create an inclusive world for people of all abilities.

Foodbank Victoria
Foodbank is Australia’s largest food relief organisation and provides 210,000 meals a day to more than 2,600 charities around the country, accounting for 79% of all food received by charities from food rescue organisations.
KiP was honoured to start working with Foodbank in 2020. Our KiPsters helped to pack hampers for Victorians facing food insecurity.

HAS Foundation
The HAS Foundation support the families of children living with life-limiting conditions. For these families, time is precious. And that’s HAS help them make the most of every moment.
KiP partnered with HAS in 2020 to help them establish a Made with Love program in SA. The meals made by KiPsters will go to families with children in paediatric palliative care.

Kids Under Cover
Kids Under Cover is a charity organisation in Australia supporting vulnerable young people between the ages of 12 and 25 years who are either already homeless or at risk of homelessness.
KiPsters have supported Kids Under Cover by raising funds and awareness through our Hangout for the Homeless event.

Koala Kids
Koala Kids is a volunteer driven organisation that provide care packs to the lives of children & young people (from birth to 25 years) undergoing cancer treatment & their families & staff who care for them in hospital.
KiPsters are involved in packing activity packs & care kits that are given directly to these children & families through Koala Kids.

Lighthouse Foundation
Lighthouse Foundation provides homeless young people with a home, a sense of family, & around-the-clock therapeutic care that is individually tailored, trauma informed & proven to work.
KiPsters have supported Lighthouse over the years by raising funds and awareness via our Hangout for the Homeless event.

Little Dreamers
Little Dreamers work with young people who provide unpaid care for a family member with a disability, illness or addiction across a range of direct support programs.
KiPsters have been learning about these important young carers since 2017. KiPsters will typically make Dream Catchers or help plan out a wish for these young people.

Mirabel Foundation
Mirabel assists children who have been orphaned or abandoned due to parental illicit drug use and are now in the care of extended family (kinship care). Mirabel supports children aged 0-17 years and works at restoring a child’s sense of self-worth, belonging and hope for the future in order for them to reach their full potential as young adults.

Ronald McDonald House
Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) provide essential services in Melbourne, regional Victoria and Hobart. They have supported sick children and their families for over 30 years. Through their accommodation and support services, they strive to keep families together when life gets turned upside down due to a child’s illness.
KiPsters have provided support to RMHC by cooking meals for the families staying in the Melbourne houses.

Sacred Heart Mission
Sacred Heart Mission help thousands of people experiencing homelessness to rebuild their lives. Through their wide-ranging services, research and innovation they strongly advocate for an inclusive, fair and compassionate community where people can overcome disadvantage and have a contributing life.
KiPsters support Sacred Heart Mission by making handmade cards of encouragement and support. The cards provide a boost to morale and wellbeing which comes from an anonymous stranger taking the time to make a card for you.

Uniting Prahran
Established in 1946 Uniting Prahran, an agency of the Uniting Church in Australia, provides emergency relief services to those experiencing poverty, homelessness and economic disadvantage, as well as rehabilitation services to those experiencing mental illness and psychiatric disability.
KiPsters make meals, care kits, and letters of hope for Uniting Prahran which is given directly to those in need.

We Give a Boot
Started by 3 soccer playing sisters We Give a Boot collects used soccer boots for our charity partners who then get them to those in need in Aust, South Pacific & Africa.
KiPsters get involved by cleaning, sorting and pairing soccer boots, making them ready to be delivered to those who would not otherwise be able to get involved in sport as they don’t have the right gear.

Youth Projects
Youth Projects (YP) is a registered charity which provides front line support to young people and individuals experiencing disadvantage, unemployment, homelessness, alcohol and other drug issues.
KiP has worked with YP since 2015 in a number of ways – KiPsters have raised funds through Hangout for the Homeless, provided food relief through our Made with Love program, and provided essential goods such as toiletries and homemade scarves.
The Fr Bob Maguire Foundation has participated in a number of events organised by KiP since late 2017.
As our volunteers must be over 18, KiP provides an essential service to the community, enabling children to volunteer, hear about and support those in need and to sow the seeds of care and volunteering which hopefully will grow with the children as they mature.
We’ve always found the KiP events to be well planned, excellent at engaging the children and needless to say the food items produced are very popular at the evening meals the Fr Bob Maguire Foundation runs through the week and weekends.
We look forward to engaging with KiP for years to come.
Graham Collier, Volunteer Co-ordinator of the Fr Bob Maguire Community Meals